Saturday, September 16, 2006

Week 2 Assignments (Singing)

It Is Your Turn
Next Week!
God has numerous qualities that make him worthy of worship. Choose one to share with the class next Wednesday. Bring a scripture and/or a personal experience to illustrate your thought.

Choose one:

1. Using a hymnal, look up “Worship” songs in the topical index. Sing or read the words to one hymn a day for a week.

2. Memorize a new scripture via song. Choose one already set to music or create a tune of your own.

3. Ask each member of your family to submit 2 or 3 song suggestions from their favorite CD’s. Compile this music into a new CD or tape for your everyday travel time.

4. Commit to memory:

May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O LORD,
my Rock and my Redeemer.
PSALM 19:14

Enjoy listening to a new song on your borrowed CD this week. When you return it next Wednesday, ask the owner which tune is his favorite and why, then compare that to your favorite.